Thursday, October 31, 2019
Sources of Power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sources of Power - Essay Example According to Fields (2010), the Courts have superior power over the enacted regulations in some instances. This enables the gun to continue prevailing irrespective of the stringent gun laws. For instance, the Gun Owners Association rejoiced when the Supreme Court of the United States made ruling that was against the city of Chicago and in favor of Otis McDonald. By doing so, the Court maintained that the Fourteenth Amendment is applicable to the right to keep and bear firearms to all the fifty-states. As a consequence, in numerous cases, the state firearms laws have been reported to be less restrictive that the federal firearms laws. This decision by the Supreme Court may have significant effects on the restrictive gun regulations in New York, Louisiana, California and elsewhere. In 2008, the right wing group went to the Supreme Court and decided to leave the centuries of jurisprudence and extend the Second Amendment as an individual protection for the owner of a gun to bear arms. The gun laws in the United States are often rife with enough loopholes to make them ineffective. For instance, the local and state police departments are not legally responsible for putting into effect the federal gun law as per the Supreme Court of the United States ruling in the Printz vs. United States. The gun industry also continues to prevail due to some amendments by influential people such as Congressman Todd Tiahrt. Since its passage, the law an amendment to the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act in 2003, the Tiahrt Amendment forbids the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives from disseminating information from its database for tracing firearms to anyone who is not a law enforcement agent or a prosecutor who is linked to a particular criminal investigation. In that perspective, the Amendment asserts that any
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Direct Democracy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Direct Democracy - Essay Example Direct Democracy is a form of government in which all citizens can directly participate in the decision-making process. (Direct Democracy Campaign, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). Daniel B. Jeffs, founder, The Direct Democracy Center, states that the problems are due to the Government being too large and too dangerously powerful. He firmly believes that elected representatives are corrupted by a deeply flawed system that seduces them with money and power to gain and remain in office, or seek higher office and that in this process it has disenfranchised the overall electorate. Finally, he states that this system needs to be altered in such a way that it will override the practice of selective democracy by factions and vested interests. The solution according to him lies in nonpartisan elections and government with more democracy. In this age of communications and information technology, the Constitution should be amended so as to establish direct democracy by means of secure voting networks connected to voter's homes. All elections would be conducted over the voting networks. In this proposed system the elected representatives would be nonpartisan, highly qualified professional government managers. To keep it honest, with no more government than we need, well-informed voters should decide matters of taxation and public policy. And the collective judgment of our fellow citizens (which could be trusted because the direct democracy voting networks would require voters to be truthfully informed) would know what is best for all of us. (Daniel B. Jeffs, The Direct Democracy Center). The advantages of Direct Democracy are that first, it would remove the barrier between the electorate and the government. Secondly, in Representative Democracy the voter has to vote for one party or the other with no guarantee of either party addressing the issues facing the voter, on the other hand in Direct Democracy the voter will be voting on each issue separately. Thirdly, decisions will always be that of the people rather than that of a few politicians. Fourthly, it encourages people to be more proactive in the political process, this results in a more deterministic future for the voter. Fifthly, it curbs the power of the elite. Sixthly, the practice of elected representatives following the diktats of party leaders and civil servants to the detriment of the voter will cease. Seventhly, quid - pro - quo transactions between the elected representatives and the rich and powerful pressure groups will cease altogether. Eighthly, thorny and uncomfortable issues which elected represen tatives would do anything to avoid, will be addressed by this system. Ninthly, there would be control on governmental tendencies running towards the dictatorial. And finally, the system of Direct Democracy is more democratic. (Direct Democracy Campaign). The disadvantages of Direct Democracy are that: first, all citizens must be actively involved on all issues all of the time. For very large population groups, it might become well nigh impossible to do so. Secondly, the public generally gives only superficial attention to political issues and is thus susceptible to charismatic arguments. Thirdly, the decision of all or most matters
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Squash Agility In Season Training Physical Education Essay
Squash Agility In Season Training Physical Education Essay Introduction Squash is a sport which is played by 2 individuals and sometimes played in doubles. The game is played in a 4 walled court sometimes made of glass, and uses a hollow rubber ball, which can be changed depending on the skill level of the player and the colour dot used/ ball type. Squash is a high intensity fitness sport and is not for the faint hearted, this sport places high demands on the energy systems of the body namely the aerobic and anaerobic systems. As squash is a sport which involves the movement of the entire body it is import to condition the body in order to produce the best results. Squash not only relies on the energy systems, but the players ability to reach any part of the court at any given time to play the ball, then get back to the T which is the most dominant position on the court, this is because from the T to any position on the court is shortest distance covered and thus you would have the upper hand against your opponent. Other demands are also placed on the pl ayers such as the ability to change direction quickly while maintaining dynamic balance; this is otherwise known as agility. Agility is very import in squash, in fact without it squash would be next to impossible, the more agile an individual the more likely them being able to retrieve a ball anywhere on the court at any given time. In order to be a successful squash player you need to have a varied training program, variety is the best way in order to improve as the body is placed under stress continually and never gets time to adapt. Us as humans have the ability to adapt quickly thus the muscles and training methods need to follow this trend, sticking to the same training trend will lead to a plateau and will decrease training performance as well as match performance, as said earlier. Agility is an important part of squash and in this assignment I plan to approach it in a way in which an in season training program will produce the best results for a squash player, finding the right balance between all the aspects that make up the game is key. Agility is made up of four main components and they are balance; the ability of the squash player to maintain balance while moving in any direction; speed, the ability of the squash player to move any part of their body at any given time quickly; strength, the ability of the muscles or the muscle groups to overcome the resistance applied to them and finally co-ordination, the ability to control the movement of the body in co-operation with the bodys sensory functions, an example of this would be using the racket to hit the ball while running in a sideways direction. All of these four aspects can be improved by developing weekly training programs which incorporate drills that are effective and efficient enough to produce the required results depending on the season training which in the case of this assignment is an In season agility training approach. Chapter 2: Physiology Energy Systems During physical fitness training for squash we train and recruit the two energy systems because squash is considered as a whole body activity, squash is a sport that demands a high levels of aerobic fitness as well anaerobic endurance, anaerobic endurance can be sub-divided as follows: Short anaerobic less than 25 seconds (mainly alactic) Medium anaerobic 25 seconds to 60 seconds (mainly lactic) Long anaerobic 60 seconds to 120 seconds (lactic +aerobic) These energy systems are crucial in the athletes ability to perform during high intensity matches, as well as weekly training program developed to improve overall fitness. During exercise the energy for muscular contractions is provided by these energy systems, which are the Aerobic and Anaerobic systems. Aerobic Energy System The term aerobic means in the presence or with oxygen, how it works is that the aerobic energy systems uses oxygen to produce energy, from the metabolic breakdown of fats as well as carbohydrates. The aerobic energy system is located in the mitochondria of the cell muscle fibre itself. These mitochondria are cellular energy factories if to say that are designed to make metabolism more effective and efficient and thus in turn synthesize or breakdown carbohydrates and fats as stated before to produce energy in the form of ATP. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but merely transformed from one form to another, thus the energy from the oxygen present is used to transform carbohydrates and fats into ATP. ATP or otherwise known as Adenosine Triphosphate is a nucleotide which is derived from adenosine that occurs in muscle tissue. ATP is the major source of energy for cellular reactions, and is thus a very important compound in terms of human survival. During the metabolic breakdown of carbohydrates and fats in the presence of oxygen in the aerobic system, the process yields 36 units of ATP which is said to be very efficient; this process is known as the Krebs Cycle. During training for squash or during squash matches the aerobic energy pathways utilize energy sources to provide the ATP required for specific muscle groups to contract effectively over long periods of time. These energy pathways are more efficient than the anaerobic pathways, as they get more energy from each molecule of glucose that is synthesized. In aerobic energy system , endurance trained muscle contains more intramuscular fat and highly trained endurance muscles are better suited to use fat as an energy source during exercise. Although this is only true to an extent, due to the fact that fat requires large amounts of oxygen for it to be synthesized efficiently, during high intensity exercise oxygen becomes limited and the burning of this fat is not viable, so the body has to look for other forms of energy to keep producing the muscular contractions required to perform the exercise. Fibre type In the aerobic energy system there are fibres in the muscle which are specific to this system and these fibres are known as slow twitch fibres. These slow twitch fibres generate energy for ATP re-synthesis by means of a long term system of aerobic energy transfer. They tend to have a low activity level of ATPase, a slower speed of contraction with a less well developed glycolytic capacity. They contain large and numerous mitochondria and with the high levels of myoglobin that gives them a red pigmentation. They have been demonstrated to have high concentration of mitochondrial enzymes, thus they are fatigue resistant. In the aerobic energy system you have two types of main fibres and they are: Type I Red fibres Slow oxidative fibres (also called slow twitch or fatigue resistant fibres). These fibres allow squash players to partake in long intense games which can last for over an hour, thus providing aerobic endurance to these players. Their production is utilized after about 90 seconds of any given activity, thus after the anaerobic energy systems resources have been fully utilized These fibres Contain: Large amounts of myoglobin present. Many mitochondria. Many blood capillaries. Generate ATP by the aerobic system, hence the term oxidative fibres. Split ATP at a slow rate. Slow contraction velocity. Resistant to fatigue. Found in large numbers in postural muscles. Needed for aerobic activities, or long rallies in a squash match which can last a few minutes over the time that the anaerobic system can provide energy for(90 seconds or longer), thus revealing why these fibres are known for endurance. Type II a Red fibres Fast oxidative (also called fast twitch A or semi fatigue resistant fibres). These fibres Contain: Large amounts of Myoglobin. Many mitochondria. Many blood capillaries. A High capacity for generating ATP by oxidation. Split ATP at a very rapid rate and, hence, high contraction velocity. Resistant to fatigue but not as much as slow oxidative fibres. Needed for the transition between the anaerobic phase and aerobic phase, utilized between 25 and 89 seconds (so after the type II B fibres are fatigued, and before the type I fibres become utilized) Anaerobic Energy System The anaerobic system derives its energy from the breakdown of carbohydrates without the need of oxygen (or due to the lack of oxygen present in the metabolic pathways) to synthesize the reactions taking place hence the term anaerobic meaning no oxygen present or lack of it. The anaerobic system provides an athlete with the energy we require at the start of an exercise with the initial increase in pace for example. This energy source however is not sufficient enough to last for long periods of time through the exercise and soon as this initial energy is expended the aerobic energy system takes over as the primary ATP provider for the sport specific muscular contractions. The anaerobic system is limited and very inefficient; thus it is said to waste vast amounts of expended energy in the process. This system relies on the breakdown of stored compounds in order to produce the energy required upon request. These energy compounds are very high in energy and are often in limited supply in the human body, thus explaining as to why anaerobic effort is very intense and can only be sustained for brief periods at any given time. The energy system also makes use of stored glycogen in the muscle, this glycogen when synthesized only produces a small amount of ATP, one of the down sides of this is the metabolic waste product called lactic acid, this process of the breakdown of glycogen to lactic acid is known as anaerobic glycolysis and is one of the two ways of deriving energy in this type of system the other form of attaining this energy is known as short term energy supply in which ATP stores are briefly broken down. In the short term energy supply ATP is split into ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate) releasing the energy required for muscle contraction this way or means of attaining energy is very brief and once this supply is drained the body resorts to anaerobic glycolysis. Anaerobic glycolysis is a term which is used for the nonoxidative breakdown of glycogen found in the muscles. Glycogen is a clump if to say of stored glucose molecules located in the muscles themselves. This form of attaining energy for muscular contraction on tap comes at a cost, as stated earlier on; it is very inefficient and wastes energy, for every glucose molecule broken down this process only yields 3 units of ATP and as a result gives lactic acid off as a by product as stated earlier . Fibre type A fast twitch fibre is one in which the myosin can split ATP very quickly and is associated with the anaerobic energy system. Fast twitch fibres also demonstrate a higher capability for electrochemical transmission of action potentials and a rapid level of calcium release and uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The fast twitch fibres rely on a well developed, short term, glycolytic system for energy transfer and can contract and develop tension at 2-3 times the rate of slow twitch fibres. Type II b White Fast glycolytic (also called fast twitch B or easy fatigable fibres). These fibres Contain: Low myoglobin content. Few mitochondria. Few blood capillaries. Large amount of glycogen. Split ATP very quickly. Fatigue easily. Needed for squash in short sprints to different parts of the court, and explosiveness, Type 2B fibres are utilized from 0 to 24 seconds, but this time is also dependant on the intensity of the sprint (i.e. if the intensity increases the time will decrease). Lactic acid Lactic acid is produced during anaerobic effort, mainly from a process mentioned earlier called anaerobic glycolysis, or when the oxygen supply is limited on demand. Lactic acid accumulates in the muscle and affects the ability of that muscle to perform at its full potential thus fatiguing it if to say. Lactic acid changes the ph in the muscle fibre itself, therefore reducing the overall enzyme activity and ATP production in the aerobic pathways spoken about earlier. Lactic acid is also said to reduce the contractile force of each individual muscle fibre. After exercise this lactic acid accumulation disappears quickly, as the body has its systems which remove this by product, if one were to engage in an active recovery it would also increase the removal time of lactic acid in the muscles. By squash players training their aerobic system more efficiently it helps to preserve the anaerobic system. It also reduces the recovery time of the anaerobic pathways and removal of lactic acid and its conversion back into pyruvate molecules, which could then be utilized by the aerobic pathways. Lactate Lactate simply put is a salt formed from lactic acid, this occurs when the acid rapidly loses it hydrogen ions and these ions combine with sodium and even sometimes potassium to form a compound known as lactate. Lactate threshold Lactate threshold is known to represent a transition zone that involves increasing dependence on anaerobic energy pathways. Lactate threshold basically defines ones bodys ability to clear lactic acid from the muscle as well as blood more rapidly and the transition zone that involves increasing lactate production resulting from the overall recruitment of fast glycolytic muscle fibres. Sharkey, Gaskill (2006) Chapter 3: Training Program This assignment aims at producing an effective and efficient 4 week agility In-season training program. The term In-Season refers to the peak performance period, during this period training for squash with regards to all the fitness components continues with a high intensity to maintain all the aspects as spoken earlier that squash players require, such as the four components of agility, but there is an overall reduction in total training volume so that players do not fatigue and can be at the peak level of performance for when they really need it which is during match time. Agility Drills Lateral Change of Direction Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Three cones Stop watch Assistant How to conduct the drill: Place the first cone on the half court line, place the second to the right close to the wall and the other close to the wall on the left hand side (The top of the T on the squash court) as seen in the diagram below: The squash player starts at the middle cone (where the vertical line meets the horizontal line forming the T) The Coach gives the signal to start and points in a specific direction, right or left The player moves to and touches the first cone, returns past the middle cone (start) to the far cone and touches that one and then returns to the middle cone, touching that one. The coach starts the stopwatch on giving the Go command and stops the watch when the athlete touches the middle cone. The better of the two trails in each starting direction, right and left, are recorded and the best score in each direction is used for scoring. T-Drill Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Four cones Stop watch Assistant How to conduct the drill: Set out four cones as illustrated in the diagram above (With B being the cone at the centre of the T on the court). The subject starts at cone A. On the command of the timer, the subject sprints to cone B and touches the base of the cone with their right hand. They then turn left and shuffle sideways to cone C, and also touches its base, this time with their left hand. Then shuffling sideways to the right to cone D and touching the base with the right hand. They then shuffle back to cone B touching with the left hand, and run backwards to cone A. The stopwatch is stopped as they pass cone A. Illinois Agility Drill Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Eight cones Stop watch Assistant How to conduct the drill: Set the squash court up as shown in the above picture. The length of the course is 10 meters and the width (distance between the start and finish points) is 5 meters. Four cones are used to mark the start, finish and the two turning points. Another four cones are placed down the centre an equal distance apart. Each cone in the centre is spaced 3.3 meters apart. Subjects should lie on their front (head to the start line) and hands by their shoulders. On the Go command the stopwatch is started, and the athlete gets up as quickly as possible and runs around the course in the direction indicated, without knocking the cones over, to the finish line, at which the timing is stopped. Box Drill Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Four cones Stop watch Assistant How to conduct the drill: Four marker cones are placed 10 yards apart in a square configuration (see diagram above). The player starts by getting down in a three-point stance next to Cone 1. On the command Go, he sprints to cone 2, and then shuffles sideways to cone 3. From there you back-pedal to cone 4 and finish by turning and sprinting through and finishing at cone 1. The athlete must go around the outside of each cone. Agility Compass Drill Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Five cones Stop watch Assistant How to conduct the drill: The cones are laid out as per the diagram (on the squash court), with four marker cones placed in a diamond shape, and one in the middle (placed on the centre of the T). The outer cones are each placed 3 meters from the centre. The player crouches behind and with their left hand on the middle cone, facing forwards (towards cone 5). The player then turns and runs to the right and touches the cone (2) with their hand. They then turn back and run to the centre cone, out to the next cone (3), back to the centre, out to the next cone (4), back to the centre and then finally turn and finish by running through the finish line at cone 5. The player is required to touch the cone with their hand at each turn. Timing starts when the hand comes off the centre cone, and stops when the chest passes through the line of the final cone. Rest for three minutes, then repeat the drill, moving in the opposite direction (counter clockwise, cones in order 1-4-3-2-5) Zig Zag Agility Drill Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Five cones Stop watch Assistant 4 3 2 1 C How to conduct the drill: Place one cone at the centre of the T of the court , then place one cone in each corner of the court allowing enough space for the player to run around it (See above diagram).This drill requires the player to run a course in the shortest possible time. A standard Zig Zag course is with four cones placed on the corners of a rectangle formed by the court, with one more cone placed in the centre. If the cones are labelled 1(start/finish cone) to 4 around the rectangle going along the longer side first, and the centre cone is C, the test begins at 1, then to C, 2, 3, C, 4, then back to 1. Court Sprints Agility Drill Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Four cones Stop watch Assistant C B A Starting /finished Position How to conduct the drill: Place the starting cone at the middle of the T on the court; place another cone directly in front of it by the tin board (Cone A in the diagram above), place another cone (Cone B in diagram) in the corner of the left hand service area, place the final cone (Cone C in the diagram) at the back wall of the court. The player must start at the starting position, as seen on the diagram, upon the word go the stopwatch is started, the player sprints to the wall, upon reaching cone the player remains facing in the forward direction for the entire drill, and then back tracks to the starting position, player then sprints to cone A, back tracks to cone B, sprints to cone A, back tracks to cone c, the sprints to the finishing/Starting position again. This drill must be completed in the fastest time possible with maximal intensity. Figure 8 sprinting Drill Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Five cones Stop watch Assistant How to conduct the drill: This agility drill involves very short bursts of speed followed by sudden changes in direction and is one of the best in simulating the movements on a squash court. From the start position, the athlete will sprint to the centre cone (which is placed on the centre of the T), go around it and then sprint to cone 2 (placed near to the right wall of the court). This is repeated for all 4 cones rounding the centre cone after each outside cone until the player returns to the starting position (See above Diagram). 6 Point Agility Drill Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Six cones Stop watch Assistant How to conduct the drill: They key with this drill is that is involves multiple directional changes. Sprint to cone 1 and return Sprint to cone 2 and return Sprint to cone 3 Side-step from cone 3 to cone 4 Side-step from cone 4 to cone 5 Side-step from cone 5 to cone 3 Back peddle from cone 3 back to the starting position Double T-Drill Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Seven cones Stop watch Assistant How to conduct the drill: Place one cone on the T, this is your centre cone, place one cone to the far right close to the wall in line with the cone on the T, do this on the other side as well. Now place another cone toward the back wall in line with the middle cone. Now place a second row of cones in line with those at the top of the T towards the front wall giving the player enough space to move. (See Above Diagram) This drill is similar to the T drill, there is just another row of cones, the drill is conducted in the same way as the T drill, just adding on an extra row once the player has completed the extra row they must back pedal all the way to the start/finish (Black arrows, then blue arrows, then finally the red arrows) Star Drill Requirements: Flat surface of the squash court Seven cones Stop watch Assistant G C F D E B A How to conduct the drill: Set court up as shown in the following diagram above. Player starts at A then runs to B, plays a shot, then back tracks back to the T point A on the diagram. Player then runs to point C, plays a shot then back tracks back to A again; however for cones F and G its a sprint there and shot played then side step back to the T. Player completes drill in cone order, upon reaching cone D player side steps, plays a shot, then side steps back to point A again, same applies for cone E. This exercise is done as quickly as possible. 4 Week In-Season Agility Program Before each daily Agility training session be sure to engage in a Squash specific dynamic warm up exercises, and upon completing the daily program be sure to engage in a cool down, including static stretches to conserve and increase muscle flexibility. For every agility drill, start in the ready position: feet shoulder-width apart; ankles, knees, and hips flexed in a quarter-squat position; head and shoulders slightly forward with hips and ankles in a straight line. Keep knees and hips flexed and your centre of gravity over the feet. The body cannot move quickly when it is standing straight up. From this position, you are ready to move in any direction and can hold this position if bumped from any angle. This ready position is the most efficient position for moving and reacting. For each training session, please refer to section of Agility Drills, to attain the layout of the drill as well as drill description and execution. Week 1 Day: 1 Agility Drill: Lateral Change of direction Variation: Place rubber band from one ankle to the other, to encourage side stepping movement Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: 2 minutes non stop Rest Time: 1 minute 30 seconds Repeat: 2 times (Total drill count = 3) Rest for 2 minutes Agility Drill: T-Drill Variation: Timed T drill, player has 1 minute to complete as many Ts as possible, 1 T is counted when player returns to cone A(starting position) Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: 1 minute Rest for 2 minutes Agility Drill: Star Drill Variation: (playing a shot while working on agility) as player reaches cone they play a shot before returning back to cone A at the T Intensity: 90% HR Max Time: As fast as possible Repeat: 3 Times Rest period: 90 seconds between drills Day: 2 Agility Drill: Illinois Agility Drill Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: Fast as possible Rest Time: 30 seconds between drills Repeat: 3 times Rest for 1 minute Agility Drill: Box Drill Variation: Timed minute, continue drill till time is up Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: 1 minute (Timed) Repeat: 3 Times Rest period: 45 seconds between drills Rest for 2 minutes Agility Drill: Double T-Drill Variation: (playing a shot while working on agility) as player reaches cone they play a shot while completing the drill Intensity: 70% HR Max Time: As fast as possible, with respect to intensity Repeat: 3 times Rest period: 30 seconds between drills Week 2 Day: 1 Agility Drill: Court sprints Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: Fast as possible Rest Time: 1 minute Repeat: 3 times Rest for 2 minutes Agility Drill: 6 Point Agility Drill Variation: Play a shot upon reaching each cone Intensity: High intensity (80% HR Max) Time: Fast as possible Repeat: 3 Times Rest time: 30 seconds Day: 2 Agility Drill: Agility Compass Drill Variation: Play a shot upon reaching each cone Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: Fast as possible Rest Time: 45 seconds between drills Repeat: 3 times Rest for 2 minutes Agility Drill: Zig Zag Drill Variation: Run as far as you can in 1 minute Intensity: High intensity (80% HR Max) Time: 1 minute (Timed) Repeat: 2 Times Rest period: 1 minute 30 seconds between drills Rest for 2 minutes Agility Drill: Figure 8 Sprinting Drill Intensity: 90% HR Max Time: As fast as possible Repeat: 3 times Rest period: 1 minute between drills Week 3 Day: 1 Agility Drill: Lateral Change of direction Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: 1 minute non stop Rest Time: 30 seconds Repeat: 2 times (Total drill count = 3) Rest for 2 minutes Agility Drill: T-Drill Variation: Timed T drill, player has 1 minute 30 seconds to complete as many Ts as possible, 1 T is counted when player returns to cone A(starting position) Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: 1 minute 30 seconds Rest for 2 minutes Star Drill: Variation: (playing a shot while working on agility) as player reaches cone they play a shot before returning back to cone A at the T Intensity: 90% HR Max Time: As fast as possible Repeat: 3 Times Rest period: 90 seconds between drills Day: 2 Agility Drill: Illinois Agility Drill Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: Fast as possible Rest Time: 30 seconds between drills Repeat: 3 times Rest for 1 minute Agility Drill: Box Drill Variation: Timed minute, continue drill till time is up Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: 1 minute 30 seconds (Timed) Repeat: 3 Times Rest period: 45 seconds between drills Rest for 2 minutes Agility Drill: Double T-Drill Variation: (playing a shot while working on agility) as player reaches cone they play a shot while completing the drill Intensity: 90% HR Max Time: As fast as possible Repeat: 3 times Rest period: 30 seconds between drills Week 4 Day: 1 Agility Drill: Court sprints Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: Fast as possible Rest Time: 1 minute 30 seconds Repeat: 4 times Rest for 2 minutes Agility Drill: 6 Point Agility Drill Variation: Play a shot upon reaching each cone Intensity: High intensity (90% HR Max) Time: Fast as possible Repeat: 4 Times Rest time: 30 seconds Day: 2 Agility Drill: Agility Compass Drill Variation: Play a shot upon reaching each cone Intensity: High intensity (65% HR Max) Time:
Friday, October 25, 2019
Freedom In The Story Of An Hou Essay -- essays research papers
Freedom in “The Story of an Hour'; Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Mrs. Mallard’s overwhelming response of “free, free, free!'; upon hearing of her husband’s death reflects the attitude of many nineteenth century women. During this time, highly restrictive gender roles forbade women to live as they saw fit. In “The Story of an Hour'; Kate Chopin allows her audience to envision the moment that Mrs. Mallard is able to shed the bondage of marriage that was forced upon her. This was Mrs. Mallard’s chance to actually live life on her own terms. Not on the terms prescribed to her by her husband. After this revelation on her behalf, the outcome of the story is both ironic and tragic. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Upon hearing the news of Brently’s death Mrs. Mallard, who is afflicted with a heart condition, reacts with sadness at first, grieving with “wild abandonment'; but shortly afterward seeks solitude to assess what has happened. The location where she seeks isolation is important. She retreats to her bedroom in a comfortable armchair, indicating that this is a place where she feels safe. It is here that Mrs. Mallard seems to have found a way to rectify what she thought wrong in her life. Mrs. Mallard then realizes in a rush of emotion and relief that she is “Free! Body and soul free!'; She views the world with a fresh outlook: one where she will be her own person, answering only to herself. For a brief moment the reader is able to see through to how she is truly feeling, her emotional release apparent when she sat “with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair...'; She is overwhelmed with freedom, opening her arms to it, letting it e nvelope both her body and her soul. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã While this realization is occurring, a somewhat strange thing is happening outside. Usually when a character dies, the weather becomes dark, gloomy and foreboding. In this particular story this is not the case. The natural world actually mirrors Mrs. Mallard’s feelings. The “trees were all a quiver with the new spring life'; and “there were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds.'; This shows how she is seeing her life as having a refreshed new appearance. Yes, Mrs. Mallard remembers her husband with kind... ...ed and composed, unaware of the train wreck and of Mrs. Mallard’s transformation that occurred during his absence. A scream is omitted from Josephine while Richards tries to hide Brently from the truth. The truth that her husband is alive and well, and was miles away from the wreck. Richards was too late though. Mrs. Mallard’s heart has stopped, her life has stopped. She had everything and nothing all in the same moment, which ultimately killed her. Her death, “of the joy that kills,'; is how the author describes Mrs. Mallard’s death, and unwittingly her marriage as well. Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Mrs. Mallard’s happiness was in fact, the cause of her death. This death, arrived out of shock that her weak heart could not handle. The arrival of her husband who was the cause of her new-found freedom caused her death. Mrs. Mallard’s death could be seen as the ultimate freedom from her unhappy marriage. Though her life ends in an extremely ironic manner, Mrs. Mallard does in fact finally escape the restrictions of her old life, not merely upon the hour before Brently Mallard’s arrival but in the end for eternity.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Case Analysis â⬠Giant Consumer Products Essay
1)Using data in Exhibits 1 & 4 develop solution templates in Exhibit 3 for Sanchez. From the table above, it is clear that the impact of a promotion cannot be considered in isolation. On the whole, the promotion has resulted in a loss instead of a profit for the Dinardo range of products. Considered in isolation a promotion on Dinardo 32 may look attractive but overall itââ¬â¢s a loss-making proposition. 2)Do you advise Sanchez to run a national sales promotion? If so, which one of the items the funds be allocated: Dinardo 32, dinardo 16 or natural meals? Sanchez can run a sales promotion for Natural meals. This is the only profitable option as can be seen from Solution template Part-3 in the table above. 3)Prepare Sanchez for additional strategic/ tactical questions that he anticipates from Flatt given at the end of case. a)The promotion of Natural Meals would be a win for FFD, the retailer as well as the consumer. FFD gains due to a positive increase in marketing margin due to the promotion. For the retailer, the benefit will be on account of the increased spending by FFD for promotional activities. The margins on Natural Meals are higher for retailers and an increase in volumes would directly have a positive impact on retailersââ¬â¢ revenues. The consumer benefits due to the reduced prices from the promotion. b)FFD should go with the pay for performance approach for promotion of Natural Meals. The price on the box of the product should not be reduced and instead a discount must be offered at the time of billing. The retailer should then be reimbursed for the discounts offered to customers. This would help retain the premium positioning of FFDââ¬â¢s products and avoid customers from looking at the products to be available at a deal during subsequent purchases.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
How Does Internet Marketing Communication Differ?
1) How does internet marketing communication differ from traditional marketing communication? Internet marketing differs significantly from conventional marketing communications because of the digital medium used for communications. The internet and other digital media such as digital television and mobile phones enable new forms of interaction and new models for information exchange. A useful summary of the difference between theses new media and traditional media has been developed by McDonalds and Wilson they describe the 6 Iââ¬â¢s of the e-marketing mix.The 6 Iââ¬â¢s are useful since they highlight factors that apply to practical aspects of the internet marketing such as personalization direct response and marketing research but also strategic issues of industry restructuring and integrated channels communications. (Imran RT, 2010) * Interactivity (from push to pull) * Intelligence (market research) * Individualization (mass customization & personalization) * Integration (i nbound & outbound communications) * Industry restructuring (intermediation, disintermediation) * Independence of location (global ubiquity)Interactive marketing promotes a two way communication as compared to traditional marketing, which is usually ruled by one way communication. The difference between interactive marketing and traditional marketing are Push and pull marketing strategy. Traditional marketing strategies were based on a ââ¬Å"pushâ⬠methodology where managers were literally pushing the products onto the customers. (www. ctsocialmediaconsultant. com). Difference between internet marketing, particularly the Internet, is predominantly a ââ¬Ëpullââ¬â¢ technology, the customer having initiated the visit to the web site.This may lead to subsequent push activities, such as sending e-mails to people who have registered their interest on the site, but the initial communication is a pull event. (www2. accaglobal. com) Interactivity is a significant feature of the ne w media, allowing a long-term dialogue to develop between the customer and the supplier. In the context of the web site, this is likely to be through e-mails, providing the customer with information and special offers for their areas of specific interest.To initiate this dialogue the web site must capture information such as e-mail address, name, age, gender and areas of interest. Example of AEC company site only collects such information for people who wish to view downloadable study material. This is too restrictive and it will probably exclude all the potential CPD customers. AEC needs to consider ways of making it easier and worthwhile for visitors to the site to register their details. There is no evidence of AEC contemplating the potential use of interactive digital TV or mobile phones to establish long-term dialogues with their customers. www2. accaglobal. com) Intelligence has also been a key feature of the internet marketing, allowing the relatively cheap collection of mark eting research data about customersââ¬â¢ requirements. This is routinely available from web logs and these logs need to be viewed and analyzed using appropriate software. This type of analysis is rarely available in the traditional marketing. For example, AEC does not know how often their training course catalogue is accessed and which pages are looked at. It only knows which training courses are eventually bought.With the internet marketing the company is able to see which services and products are accessed and also to measure how many of these are turned into actual sales. This conversion rate may be an important source of information. For example, why are certain web pages often visited but few sales result is it a problem with the web page? Is it a problem with the product? An understanding of visit patterns allows the organization to focus on particular products and services. This analysis should already be available to AEC but there is no evidence that it uses it or is even aware of it. www2. accaglobal. com) Internet marketing also permits the marketing to be individualized, geared to a particular market segment, company or individual person. In the context of AEC this individualization could be achieved in at least two ways to reflect clear market segmentation. AEC has recently won a contract to supply professional accountancy training to a global accounting company. All students working for this company will now be trained by AEC in one of its worldwide centers. At present this company and its students will be served hrough a generic web site. However, the flexibility of the new media means that a site could be developed specifically for this requirement. The whole site would be geared, and branded, towards the requirements of the global 21 accounting company. Information that is irrelevant to that customer, such as CPD, would not appear on the site. This individualized approach should strengthen the relationship with the customer. Similarly, indiv iduals may have their own access customized as a result of the profile that they have entered.So, for example, if they have already stated that they are currently sitting the professional stage of an examination scheme then only information relevant to that stage will be presented to them when they log in. This is an example of the principle of mass customization that was only available in a limited form in the traditional media. AEC does not exploit this at present, but uses a generic web site that looks and feels the same, whoever the user is. (www2. accaglobal. com) Finally, internet marketing provides independence of location allowing the company to move into geographical areas that would have been unreachable before.The Internet effectively provides a worldwide market that is open 24 hours per day, seven days per week. It is difficult to think of any traditional marketing which would have permitted this global reach so cheaply. Furthermore, the web site might also omit the actu al physical location of the company because there is no requirement for information to be physically sent to an address. It should also be impossible for the potential customer to gauge the size of the supplying company. AEC has exploited this to some extent as it serves a world-wide market from no clear geographical centre.However, the absence of on-line course booking means that certain physical contact details have to be provided and these might undermine the global perspective. (www2. accaglobal. com) Online marketing integrates creative and technical aspects of the internet. One can put his presence online with interactivity having proper attention to their services and products. Online marketing is not just ââ¬Ëhaving a website' or ââ¬Ëbuilding a website' or ââ¬Ëpromoting a website'. Online marketing is different from off-line marketing, following characteristics differentiate them:One-to-one versus one-to-many One-to-one versus one-to-many approach, the targeted user is typically browsing the Internet on their own, and the marketing messages reach them personally. This can be very clearly seen in search marketing, where the users find advertisements targeted to specific keywords that the users asked for (www. homeimprovementsmarketing. com). In Traditional marketing, the medium allows for only one way communication. The same marketing content is used for suppliers as well as customers mostly.On the other hand when the medium is internet, the model allows for many to many marketing communications. When internet is used as a medium, the customers and companies can interact with the medium directly as well as the other customers and companies. The customers can further add to the medium and be a part of the marketing. The communication using such a model is not just from sender to receiver but in all possible directions. Traditional push communications are one-to-many, from one company to many customers, often the same message to different segment and often poorly targeted.With digital media one-to-same reaching a niche or micro-segment becomes more practical e-marketers can afford to tailor and target their message to different segment through providing different site content or e-mail for different audiences through mass customization and personalization. Potentially digital media provide a one-to-many communication from company to customer rather than one-to-many communication from company to customer that is traditional in marketing using the mass media, such as newspapers or television. (Chaffey, Johnston page 351) Customers can compare onlineInternet marketing allows businesses as well as the customers to co create a highly effective network worldwide, and dramatically increase the client trafficking. Compared traditional marketing communication, the Internet marketing makes it easier for buyers to compare two items side-by-side (online-business-journey. com). Before making a purchase, todayââ¬â¢s customers can get complete the detailed of product information, the products information are very details stated on the web as compared to the retail store, the salesperson will not remember all the details about the products.It is easy for the customers to have the information on the internet. They do not need to go to the store just for searching for the product details. Inventory is the level of stocks, this is for the customers who just want to view the product, and they will not buy instantly. For the order status which means ââ¬Å"active ordersâ⬠are orders which you paid for, whether still in processing or previously sent out (support. chinavasion. com). This facility cannot be offered in offline marketing because in offline marketing the buyer would have to go to the shop and buy the things physically.Online marketing saves unnecessary transport expenses and saves time too. (www. dwsmg. com) Get the feedback of your target market in a snap Another communication of internet marketing is that you can get the feedback of your target market in a snap. They can comment and ask questions about your post real quick. That way, you can communicate with your customers faster and the sooner that you convince them to purchase the product or service that you are promoting, the better. What is amazing about internet marketing is that it can be very interactive.When you air a commercial, you need to conduct a survey to find out what your audience has to say about it. Online, it is so much simpler because you can skip the survey procedure and still get an honest feedback anyway. Never underestimate the marketing power of word of mouth. Traditionally, it was said to be even more effective than actually launching an advertisement. That is because people would rather hear a recommendation from a friend or someone who has used the product rather than an advertiser. www. techie-buzz. com) Demographics targeting versus behavioral targeting Off-line marketers typically segment their mar kets according to age group, sex, geography, and other general factors. Online marketers have the luxury of targeting by activity. This is a deeper form of targeting, since the advertiser knows that the target audience is people who do a certain activity instead of just expecting that a certain group of people will like their new product or service (www. homeimprovementsmarketing. com).Theà internalà characteristicsà ofà theà internetà marketingà makesà ità veryà differentà from traditional marketing , for an exampleà theà information can be transferred easily, it can be addressed directly, constant availability, integration, flexibility, individuality, interactivity, all these factors that are inherent for internet marketing can be used by companies to shape customer relationships When the traditional marketing tools are used the flow of information is not easy and the customer as well as the companies have to follow some proper channels.Consistency, valid ity and access to information are necessary in marketing which the traditional marketing channel often lacks (Sundas48, 2011) Since exposure, response and overall efficiency of Internet media is easy to track compared to traditional ââ¬Å"off-lineâ⬠media, through the use of web analytics for instance, Internet marketing can offer a greater sense of accountability for advertisers. Marketers and their clients are becoming aware of the need to measure the collaborative effects of marketing References Chaffey, Johnston, 2006.Internet marketing strategy, implementation and pratice 3th edition, Prentice Hall Difference Between Online and Offline Marketing, (2008), Available from: http://www. dwsmg. com/difference-between-online-and-offline-marketing. html [Accessed on 27 June 2011] Isà Online Marketing Moreà Effectiveà forà Organizationsà Todayà (page 22) by Sundas48, (2011) Available from: http://www. scribd. com/doc/54220673/18/Communication [Accessed on 27 June 2011] Professional Level ââ¬â Essentials Module, Paper P3, (2008) Business Analysis Available from: http://www2. ccaglobal. com/pubs/students/acca/exams/p3/past_papers/p3_2008_jun_a. pdf (page 21) [Accessed on 27 June 2011] How does internet marketing communication differ from traditional marketing communication? By Imran, (2011), Available from: http://revolutionary-technologies. com/blog/web-marketing/how-does-internet-marketing-communication-differ-from-traditional-marketing-communication/ [Accessed on 23 June 2011] Internet Marketing, (2008), Available from: http://homeimprovementsmarketing. com/Internet-Marketing. tm [Accessed on 27 June 2011] Advantages And Disadvantages Of Shopping Online, (2011), Available from: http://online-business-journey. com/blog/internet/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-shopping-online/ [Accessed on 23June 2011] The Advantages of Internet Marketing Over Traditional Marketing by Guest, (2011), Available from: http://techie-buzz. com/discussions/internet- marketing-vs-tv-radio. html [Accessed on 21 June 2011] How is Interactive marketing Different from Traditional marketing? 2011), Available from: http://www. ctsocialmediaconsultant. com/ct-social-media-marketing/how-is-interactive-marketing-different-from-traditional-marketing [Accessed on 24 June 2011] What Does My Order Status Mean, (2010), Available from: http://support. chinavasion. com/index. php? _m=knowledgebase&_a=viewarticle&kbarticleid=127[Accessed on 19 June 2011] Isà Online Marketing Moreà Effectiveà forà Organizationsà Todayà (page 22) by Sundas48, (2011) http://www. scribd. com/doc/54220673/18/Communication
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
unit 3 Essay
unit 3 Essay unit 3 Essay Unit 3 E1 Legislation are put inplace because it helps to regulate how people act towards others. If there was no laws put in place, then it would not be easy to claim anything or for you to get any help from the authorities.For example if someone steals your car your only recourse is to fight for it because there was no law passed to say that you are not allowed to steal and so therefore no consequences would take place. There are many laws when working with children and I will talk about the: Childcare Act 2006 Children Act 2004 Data protection act 1989 Equality Act 2010 Health and Safety Act 1974 E2 Childcare Act 2006: The Childcare Act 2006 is an act that is based on the new duties forced upon the local authorities in respect to improving the ââ¬Å"every child mattersâ⬠outcomes for primary school children. It is the first ever act to be concerned about the early years and childcare. Its aims are to reduce inequalities and wellbeing among young children.ââ¬Å"Setting has to follow the Statutory Framework for the EYFS and the Practice Guidanceâ⬠Children Act 2004:ââ¬Å"designed to ensure that difference services for children and young people work more effectively togetherâ⬠Tassoni,P (2007 page 116).The Children Act of 2004 gavechildren the right to protection from abuse and the right to inquiries to safeguard their welfare. The Children Act of 2004 was introduced after the tragic death of eight year old Victoria Climbià © in 2000. This resulted to keeping children safe from abuse and that every child matters. This Act helps to insure that childcare setting supports every child by improving their well-being, reducing inequalities and giving them high early years provision services that will benefit them Data protection Act 1989: Data protection Act 1989 was introduced to ensure that data is protected. This has to be done accurately and be kept up to date. It isnot to be kept longer than is necessary, and is not to be transferred to sources than itââ¬â¢s needed to be. This information is given out and kept confidential so that no one has access to it and if it has been accessed then should be done appropriately. ââ¬Å"Prevents breaches of informationâ⬠Tassoni,P (2007 page 99) . This act requires the setting to have polices on parent consent to share information i.e giving out permissions forms, the storage of data and who can access it and how to have a confidentiality policy. Equality Act 2010: This act was passed so that everyone is treated equally. This act protects people from discrimination in the workplace, and in the wider community. It helps ensurethat there is no discrimination and anyone who does have a problem has a right to say. This act also protects discrimination against persons with disabilities. The moral of this act is to make children aware that they have the right to be treated as an individual and are protected from abuse. This act enables the setting to have polices to challenge discrimination in the setting i.e disability access. In my setting they have an inclusion policy where they provide an environment in which all children are supported and also review their practice and provision to see if they need to make adjustments to help the children reach their full potential. Health and safety at work Act 1974: The health and safety act applies to all work places whatever the business. This act is also for everyone at a work place who is affected by their work activities. This act was passed in parliament to extend the deal with particular hazards and work activities. This legislation supports children as the employers need to ensure the workplace is safe for the children, provide first aid when needed, check the right work equipment is provided and is properly used. This act requires settings to have polices for staffs to carry out risk assessments in the setting and evidence on who monitors it, also to have health and safety representatives in the setting. E3 Children can be hurt, abused, or put at risk regardless of
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Desdemonas Character Relationships
Desdemonaââ¬â¢s Character Relationships The character of Desdemona represents a woman of the 17th century who surpassed the norms of sexual morality set for Venetian women of that time. When Desdemona left her fatherââ¬â¢s house to marry the Moor, Othello, it was the first step in redefining her role as a woman. Instead of asking her fatherââ¬â¢s permission, Desdemona decided on her own to marry Othello. By making such a momentous decision on her own, she revealed that was breaking away from the strictness imposed by her father. She recalled the way her mother made the same decision, ââ¬Å"I am hitherto your daughter. But hereââ¬â¢s my husband and so much duty as my mother showed to you, preferring you before her father, so much I challenge that I may assert due to the Moor my lord,â⬠(1.3, 409). Desdemona denied her father any right in choosing or granting allowance for Othello to marry her. Instead she chose the man who she wanted to marry and felt it unnecessary that her father intervene in their relationship. This act of independence by Desdemona tore away the gender barriers of the Venetian patriarchal society as well as posed a threat to male authority. The other aspect of Desdemonaââ¬â¢s rebellion was the miscegenation in her and Othelloââ¬â¢s marriage. By choosing her own husband who happened to be black, Desdemona further deviated from the role in which Venetian society cast upon her as well as all other women in such a patriarchal period. The traditions of the Venetian society are discovered when Iago speaks to Brabanzio and plants both the ideas of miscegenation and loss of power into Brabanzioââ¬â¢s mind. Iago warns Brabanzio when he says, ââ¬Å"your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul; Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe. Arise, arise!â⬠(1.1, 400). These lines highlight the fact that in Elizabethan society, Brabanzio, like other fathers, considered Desdemonaââ¬â¢s body to be his possess... Free Essays on Desdemona's Character Relationships Free Essays on Desdemona's Character Relationships Desdemonaââ¬â¢s Character Relationships The character of Desdemona represents a woman of the 17th century who surpassed the norms of sexual morality set for Venetian women of that time. When Desdemona left her fatherââ¬â¢s house to marry the Moor, Othello, it was the first step in redefining her role as a woman. Instead of asking her fatherââ¬â¢s permission, Desdemona decided on her own to marry Othello. By making such a momentous decision on her own, she revealed that was breaking away from the strictness imposed by her father. She recalled the way her mother made the same decision, ââ¬Å"I am hitherto your daughter. But hereââ¬â¢s my husband and so much duty as my mother showed to you, preferring you before her father, so much I challenge that I may assert due to the Moor my lord,â⬠(1.3, 409). Desdemona denied her father any right in choosing or granting allowance for Othello to marry her. Instead she chose the man who she wanted to marry and felt it unnecessary that her father intervene in their relationship. This act of independence by Desdemona tore away the gender barriers of the Venetian patriarchal society as well as posed a threat to male authority. The other aspect of Desdemonaââ¬â¢s rebellion was the miscegenation in her and Othelloââ¬â¢s marriage. By choosing her own husband who happened to be black, Desdemona further deviated from the role in which Venetian society cast upon her as well as all other women in such a patriarchal period. The traditions of the Venetian society are discovered when Iago speaks to Brabanzio and plants both the ideas of miscegenation and loss of power into Brabanzioââ¬â¢s mind. Iago warns Brabanzio when he says, ââ¬Å"your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul; Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe. Arise, arise!â⬠(1.1, 400). These lines highlight the fact that in Elizabethan society, Brabanzio, like other fathers, considered Desdemonaââ¬â¢s body to be his possess...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Advice for Injury Compensation Claim
The accidentââ¬â¢s that occurred in the private properties or businesses are common enough and the business or the property owner is liable to pay for the injuries if only their negligence can be proven in the court of law (Lewis, Morris & Oliphant, 2006). This incident concerning a fall and back injury caused by spillage in an Aldi supermarket falls under this category and as the legal adviserââ¬â¢s report; this will consider the steps that should be taken by Tamara to ensure she gets compensation for the injury caused by the accident. First, it should be stated that the supermarket is not important and the fact that is mentioned in the case that only ALDI stocks the particular brand is irrelevant in relation to the case. All businesses no matter their size or speciality are liable for the safety of the consumers on the premises. According to the occupierââ¬â¢s liability act 1957, the management of the store is responsible for any incident resulting in injury to any employee or customer (Buckley, 2006). Therefore, the circumstances that caused Tamara to run are irrelevant as the spillage that caused her fall and subsequent injury should be focused on (Bennett & Gibbeson, 2010). From the law and case records, it can be gleaned that the risk to safety cannot be eliminated so if the accident was caused by some action or inaction of a specific person and could be prevented then the owner of the property has been acting in a negligent manner. The negligence to remedy the issue, warning of the danger or reporting to t he authorities is deemed as statutory duties and the failure to maintain the safety of the premises is seen as negligence. The management of the safe environment is the responsibility of the property owner so in this case the Aldi supermarket authority is responsible for the situation. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 in this case is also applied as the maintenance of a healthy and safe working environment is based on the same principle and the supermarket is a place of employment for the staff. Even if it was not one of the staff who was responsible for the spillage that caused the accident the responsibility of the workplace falls on the employer as the customers are the people who are directly affected by the acts of the employees (Kachalia et al., 2008). The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 also stipulates that the risks of the trips and falls in the premises need to be assed periodically by the owner or the designated person. Any employees who were on duty in the vicinity should have reported the spillage that was in front of the frozen food sections and proper steps should have been taken to remedy the situation or at least provide sufficient warning to the people to avoid any such injury. It can be easily surmised that being a person in full control of her capacities Tamara would not have run if there were a ââ¬Å"wet floorâ⬠or danger sign in the area. So this can be easily used to prove the fact that store authority was negligent in the matter of safety from trips or falls. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 is more clear on the matter as the proper condition of the floor that needs to be maintained by the owner of any premises and there needs to be a warning sign on the allocation to ensure that the customers are directed to move around the area to avoid injury. However, there was not any sign on the area of the spillage allowing Tamara to be warned of the dangers (Lewis, 2006). Therefore, the explained laws are clear on the matter of the accident that points out the responsibilities of the owners of the store and their management to prove that in this case they neglected their responsibility to ensure safety of customer sand are liable to be pay for the damages caused by their ignorance. The procedures of the claim prior to the selection of a lawyer specialised in injury claims are given below to guide the efforts of the plaintiff Tamara. The accident occurred at a place of business so the relevant regulation have already been considered on the basis of the legal support of the incident from the relevant laws and according to the details the incident can be categorised as a injury art a business premises and the type of injury is slips, trips and falls. Tamara needs to mention clearly about the people who were present at the time of the incident and the relevant pictures of other evidences regarding the incident and the cause of the incident needs to be accounted in detail for the help in the collection of supporting evidence to prove the negligence of the business owner. The Witness accounts are the most important part of p [roving the liability of the store owner (Young, 2010). An entry in the supermarket accident book needs to be recorded and facts of the incident need to be reviewed to ensure the veracity of the account. Records of any medical examinations is also paramount to the claim and the documentation that presents the expense of the treatment is extremely important in determining the amount to e paid by the responsible organization Aldi in recompense. In this case, the injury was extensive and the medical reports detailing the extent of the injury need to be provided as proof of the extent of the injury. The loss of income for the period Tamara was hospitalized and rehabilitating are important in determining the amount to be claimed in compensation (Alexander, Badial & Klein, 2006). Tamara needs to ask for the CCTV footage of the store monitoring the location so Tamara can present the details of the incident at the court as plaintiff. The supermarket Aldi is liable to provide the record of the incident under the freedom of information act 2000. The report outline both the procedures of making the claim and the specifics of the incident in terms of the different laws applicable in the scenario to give credence to the case and aligns the specific case with the legalities applicable in the laws. Therefore, the report can easily guide Tamara through the initial processes of the claim before hiring an expert lawyer. Alexander, D. A., Badial, R., & Klein, S. (2006). Personal injury compensation: no claim without pain?. The Psychiatrist, 30(10), 373-375. Bennett, L., & Gibbeson, C. (2010). Perceptions of occupiers' liability risk by estate managers: a case study of memorial safety in English cemeteries. International Journal of Law in the Built Environment, 2(1), 76-93. Buckley, R. A. (2006). Occupiers' Liability in England and Canada. Common Law World Review, 35(3), 197-215. Kachalia, A. B., Mello, M. M., Brennan, T. A., & Studdert, D. M. (2008). Beyond negligence: avoidability and medical injury compensation. Social science & medicine, 66(2), 387-402. Lewis, R. (2006). How important are insurers in compensating claims for personal injury in the UK?. The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice, 31(2), 323-339. Lewis, R., Morris, A., & Oliphant, K. (2006). Tort Personal Injury Claim Statistics: Is there a Compensation Culture in the UK?ââ¬â¢. Torts Law Journal, 14, 158. Young, D. (2010). Common sense, common safety. Cabinet Office, HM Government, London.Ã
Friday, October 18, 2019
Case study and phenomenal study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Case study and phenomenal study - Essay Example 2). The difference between the two may appear in terms of their applicability. Case study is largely generic in its usage and understanding, the phenomenological study in contrast largely pertains to the cognitive understanding of the human mind, ability and power to reason. Case study would be more important when the previously undertaken models, patterns and policies are addressed and undertaken for purpose of study. The phenomenological study in contrast may be directed towards the educational sector when the role of single unit or single individual is under scrutiny. The kind of research question undertaken and asked for is directly reflective of the nature of research undertaken. If a given question is about a whole scenario and its overall outcome, it can be attributed to the study and assessment in terms of the case study. In case a particular domain has been subjected to determining its influence or finding the potential alternatives, then it would be considered for a different version of research (Schalk, 2009, p
Human secource develobment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Human secource develobment - Essay Example Researchers Huselid (1997) and Rao (1999) claim that an employee with strong self-esteem, innovative knowledge and skills is an integrative part of company success. Therefore there is a strong motivation for HRD in any company. What is HRD and what role does it play in development and success of any company? Actually, it is a pivotal question and before evaluation of external partnersââ¬â¢ role in SHRD of PowerCo, it is desirable to define SHRD referring to the outer sources. Thus Garavan (1991) claims that HRD deals with management of human resource development with focus on long-term company business goals and corporate strategy. Furthermore companies are thought to have interdependent and connecting relationships among employees. The works of other researchers underline that the main goal of strategic HRD brings closer objectives of the company. Furthermore in strategic context of HRD employees of the company through mission and strategic goal trainings increase both organisational and individual development. SHRD creates a learning culture of the company, involves corporate strategy in every aspect of the life of the company (McCracken and Wallace, 2000, p.288). Nevertheless, HRD deals not only with training, but goes far beyond it. Thus HRD should be considered as a broader concept which involves not only training of employees, but a proactive tool of strategic improvement of the company. Furthermore SHRD can transform corporate culture involving strategic planning unlike HRD which responses to specific problems through efficient and relevant responses to specific problems. In the book by Walton (1999) it is underlined that human resources are the most important organizational resources which can shape all other business resources. PowerCo tends to correspond to this statement, because it ensures constant positive working experience, which improves
Public Nudity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Public Nudity - Essay Example This paperââ¬â¢s focal point is to lay the assertion that although it has limited positivity, for the most part nudity bears negativity and therefore, should be illegalized. Public nudity bears more negativity than positivity. Firstly, it inhibits healthy child development. It is entirely unhealthy for children to be exposed to images of nude adults. This is because they are not at a point in their lives where this information should be relayed to them. In every stage of human life, there are certain bits of information that one is meant to acquire: during childhood one comes to terms with language, gestures and interactive techniques. If information is passed at the wrong stage of an individualââ¬â¢s development, it causes misconception and elicits a harmful reaction. Children have very little cognitive development to bear positive results. They cannot assimilate nudity to bear positivity. Rather, the exhibition of this information to them could cause them to have a perverted line of thought. Scholars assert that human beings analyze issues as being either positive or negative. Children, being mentally underdeveloped, cannot fathom the positivity th at comes from the nude human body. This is because they are unaware of concepts such as childbirth. The young human mind, owing to exploration and adventure, assimilates negativity faster than it does positivity (Lunceford, 2012, p.46). As a result of this, their minds ultimately divert to the negative - sexual perversion. Public nudity contributes to pornographic addiction: a factor that inhibits healthy mental progress. It causes one to develop lustful thoughts and to follow this up with indulgence in pornographic material. Public nudity undermines culture and religion. Most sustainable cultures in the world condemn public nudity. The African culture, for instance, one of the most celebrated in the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Education Experience in a United States University vs. Education in Essay
Education Experience in a United States University vs. Education in South Africa - Essay Example Later in the day I met the human resource manager, who assessed my credentials together with my goals and interests and then suggested the most suitable mentor. For once in my life, I felt happy about myself. I was taking action and doing something about my career development plans. The next day, I booked an appointment with my mentor at ten in the morning. I couldnââ¬â¢t wait to hear what he thought and had to say of my plans on career growth. At exactly ten in the morning, I left my office and headed for my mentorââ¬â¢s office in a happy mood. By now he had already been briefed by the human resource manager of the agenda. He went straight the point, asked a series of questions. These included; why I chose to become an assistant, what were my expectations as regards the job, where do I see myself in ten years to come, what fields was I interested in working and what my long term goals and dreams were. I struggled to answer some of the questions and this made me realize that I had become complacent. I had lost sight of everything that was important to me with regard to career progression. After a long chat, we came to a conclusion that for me to experience the career development that I have always wanted I had to go back to school. ... How long will it take? All these questions ran though my mind. Acquiring higher education in this day and time is undoubtedly critical; this is due to the ever increasing demand for skilled manpower in our economies. Universities, colleges and technical training institutes are the single source of skilled manpower today. Currently, there are tens of American institutions of higher learning and making a choice on which university to join poses a major challenge to many would be students. The situation is not any simpler in South Africa. South Arica has struggled to become the flag bearer in Africa when it comes to academic matters and has invested heavily in its universities in an attempt to improve the quality of education they offer and meet world class standards. According to Education UK, while choosing the course to take, one should check whether the course is right for them? What type of degree it is, whether it improves chances of following ones career plans, options available to the course, methods of teaching the course, and performance of the department in the Quality Assurance Assessment external review. After considering the advice from my mentor and my personal goals and objectives, I settled on a course that would best suit my needs. I was to take a master of Business Administration. I had always wanted to move onto a management position in employment. There are so many factors to consider when choosing which institution to join. According to the Fulbright Commission, there are over 1,700 American universities that offer postgraduate courses or degrees. It is thus not easy to narrow down to the particular institution to join. Students aspiring to join South African universities face the same challenge, they thus have to put all the
Research Paper Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Research Paper - Case Study Example Fortunately or unfortunately, West contacted the boy and the conversations turned sexually explicit once the expert informed West that he had just turned 18 years old. As a consequence, three reporters wrote several stories concerning the West scandal. However, things did not turn out to be good on the side of West as he was forced to take a leave from office, and was charged, although the charges were dropped some two months later on the argument that the issue of limitations had expired. Several editors from spokesman-review posted several of private and sexually explicit web chats and emails involving West and the teenage boys. Indeed, it is eminent that three online chats concerning the scandal were moderated by Steven Smith, who is mandated to oversee operations of the newspaper and website. Among other things, Smith and other editors posted hyperlinks that mentioned issues related to West, spokesman-reviewââ¬â¢s coverage and community membersââ¬â¢ blogs on the matter. Vie ws from other journal articles On his review on how journalist behaves, Brainard, (2012) argued that, media watchdog Jim Naureckas was right when he noted that journalism is one of other means of uncovering untold or unclear stories. However, the worry is that people have stopped putting their whole trust on such stories due to concern about violation of journalism ethics. An example given by Brainard is the one involving deceptive and undercover reporting by Sun Timesââ¬â¢ Tavern sting, whereby exposure of corruption deals by city inspectors was exposed, but failed to win a Pulitzer prize due to violation of journalism ethics (Brainard, 2012). In this regard, it is apparent that although journalist engage in such activities to uncover the untold stories, one thing that is evident is that media is there to exercise practices of showing the power of determining experiences of others. To some extent, such actions like the once involving spokesman-review and West brings about concer ns about journalism ethics and cyberspace ethics. For example, it is apparent that spokesman-review postings about West could have a lot of implications on Westââ¬â¢s life. Journalism calls for integrity on their reporting. Matters involving private life are a bit sensitive. Although the legitimacy and legality of what a journalist publishes highly depends on the certainty and the level of investigation done, matters involving invasion of private life become sensitive (Whiteman, 2007). For example, just because a journalist can pull up some information concerning a politicianââ¬â¢s private life does not mean that is ethical practice. Some of the major areas of concern when such issue arise includes invasion of individualââ¬â¢s personal habits, medical condition, and sexual preferences, among others (Whiteman, 2007). In relation to cyberspace ethics, there are many issues surrounding what social sites regulations due to increased level of cyber crime and identity theft. Alth ough famous social sites have facilitated and changed the way people interact, in the wake of these developments, several ethical issues have been of concern (Brainard, 2012). In particular, it is apparent that ethics in cyberspace focuses on the consequences of certain interactions in the cyberspace. However, due to lack of international legal framework that defines cyberspace ethics, many of issues regarding what is ethical and what is not
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Public Nudity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Public Nudity - Essay Example This paperââ¬â¢s focal point is to lay the assertion that although it has limited positivity, for the most part nudity bears negativity and therefore, should be illegalized. Public nudity bears more negativity than positivity. Firstly, it inhibits healthy child development. It is entirely unhealthy for children to be exposed to images of nude adults. This is because they are not at a point in their lives where this information should be relayed to them. In every stage of human life, there are certain bits of information that one is meant to acquire: during childhood one comes to terms with language, gestures and interactive techniques. If information is passed at the wrong stage of an individualââ¬â¢s development, it causes misconception and elicits a harmful reaction. Children have very little cognitive development to bear positive results. They cannot assimilate nudity to bear positivity. Rather, the exhibition of this information to them could cause them to have a perverted line of thought. Scholars assert that human beings analyze issues as being either positive or negative. Children, being mentally underdeveloped, cannot fathom the positivity th at comes from the nude human body. This is because they are unaware of concepts such as childbirth. The young human mind, owing to exploration and adventure, assimilates negativity faster than it does positivity (Lunceford, 2012, p.46). As a result of this, their minds ultimately divert to the negative - sexual perversion. Public nudity contributes to pornographic addiction: a factor that inhibits healthy mental progress. It causes one to develop lustful thoughts and to follow this up with indulgence in pornographic material. Public nudity undermines culture and religion. Most sustainable cultures in the world condemn public nudity. The African culture, for instance, one of the most celebrated in the
Research Paper Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Research Paper - Case Study Example Fortunately or unfortunately, West contacted the boy and the conversations turned sexually explicit once the expert informed West that he had just turned 18 years old. As a consequence, three reporters wrote several stories concerning the West scandal. However, things did not turn out to be good on the side of West as he was forced to take a leave from office, and was charged, although the charges were dropped some two months later on the argument that the issue of limitations had expired. Several editors from spokesman-review posted several of private and sexually explicit web chats and emails involving West and the teenage boys. Indeed, it is eminent that three online chats concerning the scandal were moderated by Steven Smith, who is mandated to oversee operations of the newspaper and website. Among other things, Smith and other editors posted hyperlinks that mentioned issues related to West, spokesman-reviewââ¬â¢s coverage and community membersââ¬â¢ blogs on the matter. Vie ws from other journal articles On his review on how journalist behaves, Brainard, (2012) argued that, media watchdog Jim Naureckas was right when he noted that journalism is one of other means of uncovering untold or unclear stories. However, the worry is that people have stopped putting their whole trust on such stories due to concern about violation of journalism ethics. An example given by Brainard is the one involving deceptive and undercover reporting by Sun Timesââ¬â¢ Tavern sting, whereby exposure of corruption deals by city inspectors was exposed, but failed to win a Pulitzer prize due to violation of journalism ethics (Brainard, 2012). In this regard, it is apparent that although journalist engage in such activities to uncover the untold stories, one thing that is evident is that media is there to exercise practices of showing the power of determining experiences of others. To some extent, such actions like the once involving spokesman-review and West brings about concer ns about journalism ethics and cyberspace ethics. For example, it is apparent that spokesman-review postings about West could have a lot of implications on Westââ¬â¢s life. Journalism calls for integrity on their reporting. Matters involving private life are a bit sensitive. Although the legitimacy and legality of what a journalist publishes highly depends on the certainty and the level of investigation done, matters involving invasion of private life become sensitive (Whiteman, 2007). For example, just because a journalist can pull up some information concerning a politicianââ¬â¢s private life does not mean that is ethical practice. Some of the major areas of concern when such issue arise includes invasion of individualââ¬â¢s personal habits, medical condition, and sexual preferences, among others (Whiteman, 2007). In relation to cyberspace ethics, there are many issues surrounding what social sites regulations due to increased level of cyber crime and identity theft. Alth ough famous social sites have facilitated and changed the way people interact, in the wake of these developments, several ethical issues have been of concern (Brainard, 2012). In particular, it is apparent that ethics in cyberspace focuses on the consequences of certain interactions in the cyberspace. However, due to lack of international legal framework that defines cyberspace ethics, many of issues regarding what is ethical and what is not
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Culture And Crime Essay Example for Free
Culture And Crime Essay The crime rate of societies differs with each other. If the crime rates of European countries and American countries were compared, the results would be different. The same is true if countries from the East and West were compared in regards to their crime rates. This can be attributed perhaps to different norms and concepts on crime of different societies, as well as the overall way of life of the people in any given area. If this were analyzed further, it will be noted that culture plays a role in the way that crime is viewed in a given society. This essay deals with the concept of culture, especially in the way that it relates to crime. Culture, Society and Criminality Before juxtaposing crime and culture, however, it would be necessary to define the overly used and abused concept of culture. Generally, culture is the overall pattern of the way of life of a given community of people together with the structures of symbols and meanings that they attach to various aspects of their society. This also includes the morality of the society as well as the collection of acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors (Krober Kluckhohn, 1952). Since the moral system is included here, it impinges upon the conception of what is right, as well as the way that people in a given society view law, together with the commission of crimes. Given that culture affects the overall lifestyle of peoples in a society, it is inevitable that crimes are also affected by culture. For example, in a study conducted by Karstedt (2001), she mentioned that culture has been recognized by criminology as one of the factors influencing crime. The study took note of various social control means in Asian countries with low crime rate such as Japan. Karstedt called for the introduction of methods and ways through which cultures may be effectively compared to study the differences in culture and its impact on crime. By conducting an extensive survey in one of the Southern States in the US, Warner (2003) found out that cultural disorganization affect crimes. Her findings show that a prevailing culture conditioned by disadvantage in the society and the disconnection of social ties have significant impact on the level of social relationships and ties of the community. This in turn impacts informal modes of social control in the society. Without these informal social control, it would the tendency for crimes to be committed becomes stronger. On the other hand, Leonardsen (2002) investigated the apparent anomaly of Japanââ¬âan urban country with very low crime rate. In his study, Leonardsen pointed out to apparent loss of too much individualism in Japan while focusing on the overall community. He argued that although the loss of individuality can be seen in Japan, it has much to teach to Western countries, especially regarding identity, obligations and social connections. Conclusion Based on the studies mentioned above, it can be seen that indeed culture has a significant impact on crime. Crime cannot only be prevented through formal means such as law, police force, and the prison system. Rather, there are informal institutions and norms that help prevent or perhaps encourage the occurrence of crime. When social ties are severed and a ââ¬Å"negativeâ⬠culture of the disadvantaged spawns, social controls are weakened, thus increasing the likelihood of the occurrence of crime. A focus on the communityââ¬â¢s norms, however, can result to a more orderly society with low incidence of crime. These studies are congruent with Blackââ¬â¢s theory that if the culture and the means of informal social control in a society are weak, then the tendency for that society is to have laws that are more powerful as compared with other societies with stronger social control means (Black, 1976). A combination of effective laws and informal social controls, are however necessary so that order can be kept within the society. Reference Black, D. (1976). The Behavior of Law. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Karstedt, S. (2001). Comparing Cultures, Comparing Crime: Challenges, Prospects and Problems for a Global Criminology. Crime, Law and Social Change, 36 (3), 285-308. Kroeber, A. L. Kluckhohn, C. (1952). Culture: A Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions. Cambridge, MA: Peabody Museum. Leonardsen, D. (2002). The Impossible Case of Japan. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 35 (2), 203-229. Warner, B. D. (2003). The Role of Attenuated Culture in Social Disorganization Theory. Criminology, 41 (1), 73-98.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Effect Of Maitland Mobilisation Health And Social Care Essay
Effect Of Maitland Mobilisation Health And Social Care Essay Patient is a 35 years old golf coach. Patient had a history of going over his ankle on both sides. General health status of the patient is good. Patients activity ranges from a round of18holes of golf and driving range for 60mins a day. Patients activity includes more walking. The main problem of the patient is pain and stiffness in right ankle. Patient had a history of slowly developed pain and stiffness over the last 4months during his full time coaching job. The aggravating factors of his problem were powerful driving range shots for 30mins and walking for 40mins. The easing factors of his problem are rest and heat for 40mins. In the 24hours pattern of pain, patient has stiffness on rising and which gets easier with gentle activity. On palpation there is puffiness to anterior and lateral aspect of right ankle. On examination the resisted dorsiflexion is weak and painful. There is a decreased range of motion of active plantar flexion. In passive plantar flexion pain is produced after resistance. The resisted plantar flexion is weak and painful. Active range of motion of inversion is reduced and painful. During passive inversion pain is felt after resistance. Resisted inversion is weak and painful. Resisted eversion is weak. In accessory movement of talocrural joint, postero-anterior glide is stiff and the pain is produced at the end of range. In the distal tibio-fibular joint, longitudinal cephalad glide is painful before resistance and during postero-anterior glide the patient feels easier. The muscles are weak on both sides of ankle. The right ankle is weaker compared to left ankle. Anterior talo-fibular ligament and calcaneo-fibular ligaments show bilateral laxity. On palpation there is puffiness around the lateral malleolus. Heel raise of the patient is poor, which is 5 on right and 10 on right side. SEVERITY, IRRITABILITY, AND THE NATURE OF PAIN According to Petty (2006) severity and intensity of pain are related together. Severity can be determined by the ability of the patient to maintain the position or movement. Severity is a main factor to determine whether the patient may be able to tolerate overpressure and perform movements up to the first point of pain. According to Hartley (1994) the perception of pain differs from person to person depending on the individuals emotional status and his previous pain experiences. The intensity of pain depends on the number of nociceptors in the site of injury and the surrounding tissues. Intensity of pain can be more in the areas of high innervation than the area of poor innervations. According to Hengeveld Banks (2003) the intensity of pain is subjective and it varies from person to person. In this case the intensity of pain of the patient is 4/10 of visual analogue scale. The patient can play a round of18holes of golf a day and practices on the driving range for 60mins a day. He also walks for a long distance. In spite of pain the patient was able to perform his activity. So the patients severity of pain may be low to moderate. Hengeveld Banks (2003) says that irritability depends on activity causing the pain, the intensity of the activity and the time taken for the pain to subside after the activity is stopped by the patient. According to Petty (2006) irritability can be determined by the time taken for pain symptoms to ease. The symptom is said to be irritable, when the symptom persist after the activity producing pain is stopped. If the symptoms are irritable the patient will not be able to tolerate movements for longer durations. The symptoms may even get worse with activity. So the testing movements should be done with caution. In this case the aggravating factors are powerful driving rage shots for 30mins and walking for 90mins. Similarly the easing factors are rest and heat for 40mins. So the irritability of patient may be moderate to high. However according to Hartley (1995) aching pain is related to the structures like deep ligament, deep muscles, tendon sheath, chronic bursa, compact fascia. Further Magee (2008) argues that, when pain is caused by an activity and eases with rest indicates that there is a mechanical problem which is related to movements. Occasional pain may indicate that there is a mechanical involvement and it is related to movement and mechanical stress. In this case the pain is intermittent and deep in nature. The patient has pain after activity and the pain resolves with rest. So the pain may be mechanical, intermittent and deep in nature MANUAL THERAPY TREATMENT In this case, the main problem of the patient is stiffness rather than pain, in the right ankle. Maitlands grade4 mobilisation with postero-anterior glide of talus on ankle mortise can be given to improve range of motion of plantar flexion. The glide can be given in grade 4, because it is stable and controlled compared to grade3 (Hengeveid Banks, 2003). Here the ankle mortise is a concave surface and the dome of talus is convex. When ankle mortise is fixed and talus is moved, plantar flexion occurs by concave-convex rule. (, Date accessed: 13/12/2009) However before treatment the important factors that should be taken into account are patients objective marker of pain, loss of range of motion and movements causing pain and these factors should be evaluated after treatment sessions. In Maitlands technique, there is no standard duration for the treatment, but the duration of the treatment should not be more than 2minutes. The duration of the treatment can be altered based on the severity, irritability and nature of the symptoms of the patient. Since the irritability of the patient is moderate to high, the initial treatment can be given for the duration of 30 seconds, with one or two repetitions to avoid exacerbation of the symptoms. After observing the objective marker, duration of the treatment can be progressed to 1 to 2mins and the repetitions can be progressed gradually. The patient can be positioned in prone lying with knee in 90 degree flexion. The starting position of the therapist can be standing by the side of patients righ t knee to have close contact with the treatment area. To give proper support to the shin, the left knee is placed on the couch. The therapist can perform the postero-anterior glide by holding the posterior surface of the calcaneus in his right hand with his thumb, fingers fanning around the calcaneus and his left hand held in supination, with his heel placed against the tibial anterior surface and the therapists fingers are proximally pointed. These positions can be followed to stabilise the part. The force can be applied by movement of the forearms opposing each other. The movement of the therapists forearms produce postero-anterior glide (Hengeveld Banks, 2003). Even though, there are literatures supporting the effectiveness of joint mobilisations, there is not enough controlled studies to prove that joint mobilisation can restore the normal range of motion and functions of hypomobile joint effectively (Farrel, J.P Jenson, G.A. 1992) EFFECT OF MAITLAND MOBILISATION Maitlands technique, are based on restoring arthrokinematic movements. Generally arthrokinematic motion of the joint can be restricted by the ligaments, capsules of the joint and periarticular fascia. The elastic properties of these connective tissues are based on the arrangement of the collagen bundles. In ligaments and tendons, the collagen bundles are arranged parallel to each other with elastic bundles in between them. When the connective tissue structures are unloaded, the collagen bundles show a crimp formation in their structure. This crimp results in production of slag in the connective tissue structure. During the phase of loading, slag is stretched first, followed by the stretching of main bundles. In contrast the fascia and aponeurosis have multilayer collagen bundles but have less crimping and slack compared to ligaments. Initially when the load is applied, structures with less slack are first subjected to stress, followed by the other bundles. The bundles of the fascia w hich have least slag will first resist the tensile stress. If the stress is increased then the ligaments which have more slag will resist the tensile load. After further deformation, the other bundles will act to resist the stress. To obtain elongation of the connective tissue on the whole, all the bundles should be subjected to required stress. This principle can be explained with the help of stress strain curve. In this graph, x-axis represents the stress and y-axis represents the corresponding strain produced by the load. The curve shows a slope, which indicates the connective tissue resistance to a load. The collagen bundles which are still slag, represent the toe region. The curve also represents the physiological loading range, which is then followed by the stage of microscopic failure. If the stress still increases the curve will proceed to the stage of macroscopic failure and may even result in the rupture of the connective tissue. Based on this concept Maitlands grade 4 technique aims to produce permanent elongation (plastic deformation) of the tissue by inducing low level of micro-failure in the connective tissues, there by increases the range of motion (Therkeld, 1992). There is no enough evidence to prove that Maitlands mobilisation can be done in full weight bearing and functional position. Its reliability is based on the clinicians treatment experience and patients reaction to the treatment (Farrel, J.P Jenson, G.A. 1992) SECONDARY TREATMENT The other problems of the patient are poor heel raising due to the weakness in the muscles of ankle joint and pain. In this case Maitlands grade1 mobilisation can be given to reduce pain by pain gate mechanism. As the patient is a golf coach, he needs good heel rising and strong ankle muscles for good performance in the game and to prevent further injury to ankle joint. Strengthening exercises to the muscles of plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, inversion and eversion can be taught to the patient to correct the muscular imbalance of the patient. Then the heel raising should be encouraged gradually and can be progressed if there is no pain. Balance training with the help of wobble board can be taught to the patient. The final phase of treatment is functional training. The patient can be trained to gradually increase the intensity and the duration of drive shots in the game. Walking can be encouraged in a stable surface. CONCLUSION Additional to manual therapy the effective means of rehabilitation of sports injuries should consist of soft tissue massage, electrotherapeutic modalities, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, strengthening exercises, co-ordination training, endurance, flexibility, improving stability and educating the patient about the injury mechanism and methods of prevention (Farrel, J.P Jenson, G.A. 1992). Sports therapist should mainly concentrate on prevention of the injury rather treating when the injury has occurred.
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